Updated Guide 8/17/2020
This guide will teach you how to catch the elusive Quillmane in minutes using MySEQ, and EverHack!
Important Note: This guide is made/updated using the latest version of MySEQ, and EverHack, check the forums for the updated programs
First Step - Download, and setup MySEQ. You can find instructions on how to download/setup MySEQ here:
1. Download the latest EverQuestBot.com MySEQ filters located here: https://everquestbot.com/myseqfilters/filters.zip
2. Unzip the filters folder into your MySEQ folder, overwrite all.
3. Open, and launch MySEQ, and confirm its using the latest filters go to File -> Options -> Folders.
Make sure the path is correctly set to your filters folder.
4. Now simply close out of MySEQ, and reopen it to refresh the filters.
5. Your MySEQ should look something like this while you are in South Karana.
6. Simply all you need to do is kill every mob that has the [H] Tag in your spawn list.
7. He will start spawning quick as you knock down these mobs!
8. Lastly alot of people use MySEQ on EverQuest Servers, so you will need to be quick to catch him! This is where EverHack will help you! If you don't have EverHack you can purchase it here: https://everquestbot.com/home/index.php/purchase-everhack
EverHack will allow you to quickly warp to your target, and kill him before anyone can get to Quillmane!
- EverHack instructions -
If you have EverHack running, make sure you grab these spawn points, and add them to EverHack, so you can quickly warp and kill him when he spawns!