for Live & TLP Servers including the new servers Teek & Tormax!
EQBoT for EverQuest TLP Servers is a new kind of Bot, this bot runs simply off of your EverQuest log file. You can control any class on multiple PC's simply by a press of a key. There is no memory injection, no memory reading, writing or anything invasive! So it is 100% safe!
Simply turn on your ingame log by typing /log on. Then type in the characters EQLog directory of the character you want to control, and your main characters name as the master. You are now ready to go! Its as simple as that!
EQBot's Current Features:
- Autofollow any character
- Assist any player or character
- Cast any hotbar keys
- Cast any spell
- Use any ability or item
- Auto jump your character
- Setup Auto Heal macros
- Press any key
- Predefined /say responses.
- Automatically cast any spell
- Auto use any abilities
- Automatically cast AoE Spell rotations
- AFK Bard twisting
- Auto Cast class specific epics
- Instant recast if spell is resisted
- Instant recast if spells fizzles
- and much more!
You can now use EQBoT in conjunction with EverHack to do neat things such as summoning your slaves to your master with a simple command!
EQBoT Commands:
Updated as of 5/6/2019
Out of Group Healing::
oogplayerlargeheal1 - This script will auto target the groupmember1 you have inputted into the client, cast a large heal, and then autosit.
oogplayerlargeheal2 - This script will auto target the groupmember2 you have inputted into the client, cast a large heal, and then autosit.
oogplayerlargeheal3 - This script will auto target the groupmember3 you have inputted into the client, cast a large heal, and then autosit.
oogplayerlargeheal4 - This script will auto target the groupmember4 you have inputted into the client, cast a large heal, and then autosit.
oogplayerlargeheal5 - This script will auto target the groupmember5 you have inputted into the client, cast a large heal, and then autosit.
oogplayerfastheal1 - This script will auto target the groupmember1 you have inputted into the client, cast a fast heal that you have specified, and then autosit.
oogplayerfastheal2 - This script will auto target the groupmember2 you have inputted into the client, cast a fast heal that you have specified, and then autosit.
oogplayerfastheal3 - This script will auto target the groupmember3 you have inputted into the client, cast a fast heal that you have specified, and then autosit.
oogplayerfastheal4 - This script will auto target the groupmember4 you have inputted into the client, cast a fast heal that you have specified, and then autosit.
oogplayerfastheal5 - This script will auto target the groupmember5 you have inputted into the client, cast a fast heal that you have specified, and then autosit.
Healing System
largehealgroupmember1 - Now targets the groupmember1 that you have specified in the client, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
largehealgroupmember2 - Now targets the groupmember2 that you have specified in the client, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
largehealgroupmember3 - Now targets the groupmember3 that you have specified in the client, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
largehealgroupmember4 - Now targets the groupmember4 that you have specified in the client, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
largehealgroupmember5 - Now targets the groupmember5 that you have specified in the client, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
largehealmyself - Now targets yourself, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
fasthealgroupmember1 - Now targets the groupmember1 that you have specified in the client, and casts your fast heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
fasthealgroupmember2 - Now targets the groupmember2 that you have specified in the client, and casts your fast heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
fasthealgroupmember3 - Now targets the groupmember3 that you have specified in the client, and casts your fast heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
fasthealgroupmember4 - Now targets the groupmember4 that you have specified in the client, and casts your fast heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
fasthealgroupmember5 - Now targets the groupmember5 that you have specified in the client, and casts your fast heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
fasthealmyself - Now targets yourself, and casts your large heal (specified in client), and auto sits after cast.
largehealmaintank - Targets the main tank, whether hes out of group or in group and casts your large healing spell that you specify in the client.
fasthealmaintank - Targets the main tank, whether hes out of group or in group and casts your fast healing spell that you specify in the client.
DPS System
dpsspell1: This script will autoassist the player or mainassist you specified in the client, and cast your DPS Spell 1, and auto sit after the spell has casted.
dpsspell2: This script will autoassist the player or mainassist you specified in the client, and cast your DPS Spell 2, and auto sit after the spell has casted.
Gating System
gatecharacter - This command will gate your character.
Pet System
summonpet - This command will summon your character's pet
pet attack - This will send in your pet to attack
Healing Macros
heal groupmember1- Auto targets groupmember 1, and cast heal.
heal groupmember2 - Auto targets groupmember 2, and cast heal.
heal groupmember3 - Auto targets groupmember 3, and cast heal.
heal groupmember4 - Auto targets groupmember 4, and cast heal.
heal groupmember5 - Auto targets groupmember 5, and cast heal.
heal groupmember6 - Auto targets groupmember 6, and cast heal.
Teleporting Scripts - Requires EverHack
teleportmastertarget - This will teleport your character to your masters target (Must have EverHack running)
teleporttomaster - This will instantly teleport your character to your master (Requires EverHack running)
attackon - Turns on attack on all your characters
attackoff - Turns off attack on all your characters
Attacking Scripts - Requires EverStick
teleportstickattack - This will automatically assist the player you specify in the eqbot client, teleport to the players
target, autostick, and attack.
stickattack - This will autoassist main or a specific person (whoever you add into EQBoT client), and stick to his
target and attack. There should be no longer a range issue, the command will get your melees up close, and personal.
stickmaster - This will autostick your master character
!stop follow - Stops sticking/following on all your characters
stickassisttarget - This will make your character stick to your main assists or masters target.
permanentstick - This will have all your characters permanently stick to your master.
stopstick - This will turn off sticking.
Assisting Scripts
assistmaincast1 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot1 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast2 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot2 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast3 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot3 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast4 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot4 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast5 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot5 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast6 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot6 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast7 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot7 and sit automatically after its done casting.
assistmaincast8 - This command will make your slave toon auto assist your master toon, then auto cast the spell in
gemslot8 and sit automatically after its done casting.
Auto Hot Buttons
Row1_HK1 - Use 1 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK2 - Use 2 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK3 - Use 3 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK4 - Use 4 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK5 - Use 5 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK6 - Use 6 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK7 - Use 7 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK8 - Use 8 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK9 - Use 9 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK0 - Use 0 in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK- - Use - in the main hotbutton row
Row1_HK= - Use = in the main hotbutton row
Row2_HK1 - Use 1 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK2 - Use 2 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK3 - Use 3 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK4 - Use 4 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK5 - Use 5 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK6 - Use 6 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK7 - Use 7 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK8 - Use 8 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK9 - Use 9 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK0 - Use 0 in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK- - Use - in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row2_HK= - Use = in the 2nd hotbutton row
Row3_HK1 - Use 1 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK2 - Use 2 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK3 - Use 3 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK4 - Use 4 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK5 - Use 5 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK6 - Use 6 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK7 - Use 7 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK8 - Use 8 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK9 - Use 9 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK0 - Use 0 in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK- - Use - in the 3rd hotbutton row
Row3_HK= - Use = in the 3rd hotbutton row
Ingame Keypresses
keypress1 -> Keypress 1 ingame
keypress2 -> Keypress 2 ingame
keypress3 -> Keypress 3 ingame
keypress4 -> Keypress 4 ingame
keypress5 -> Keypress 5 ingame
keypress6 -> Keypress 6 ingame
keypress7 -> Keypress 7 ingame
keypress8 -> Keypress 8 ingame
keypress9 -> Keypress 9 ingame
keypress0 -> Keypress 0 ingame
Character Macros
jump = Tells your Slave to Jump
!follow master = AutoFollows your dedicated Master Toon
!stop follow = Stops following your character.
follow mytarget = AutoFollows your current target
assist master = Assist Master
assist mytarget = Assist current target
exit bot = Shuts down the Bot
target master = Targets Master Toon
target groupmember1 = Targets group member 1
target groupmember2 = Targets group member 2
target groupmember3 = Targets group member 3
target groupmember4 = Targets group member 4
target groupmember5 = Targets group member 5
target myself - This will target yourself.
UsePrimary - Auto Use Primary Slot
UseSecondary - Auto Use Secondary Slot
UseChest - Auto Use Chest Slot
UseLegs - Auto Use Legs Slot
UseRange - Auto Use Range Slot
UseWristLeft - Auto Use Wrist Left Slot
UseWristRight - Auto Use Wrist Right Slot
UseHands - Auto Use Hands Slot
UseRingLeft - Auto Use Ring Left Slot
UseRingRight - Auto Use Right Right Slot
UseBoots - Auto Use Boots Slot
UseBack - Auto Use Back Slot
UseHelm - Auto Use Helm Slot
UseEarLeft - Auto Use Ear Left Slot
UseEarRight - Auto Use Ear Right Slot
UseNeck - Auto Use Neck Slot
UseWaist - Auto Use Waist Slot
UseAmmo - Auto Use Ammo Slot
SitSlave - Auto Sits Slave Character
StandSlave - Auto Stands Slave Character
CastSpellSlot1 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 1
CastSpellSlot2 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 2
CastSpellSlot3 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 3
CastSpellSlot4 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 4
CastSpellSlot5 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 5
CastSpellSlot6 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 6
CastSpellSlot7 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 7
CastSpellSlot8 - Auto Cast Spell in Gem slot 8
Druid Specific Macros:
!eagles = Cast Flight of Eagles on your group
!needeagles = Cast Flight of Eagles on your target
!groupinvis = Cast group invisibility on your group
!groupnine = Casts Blessing of the nine on your group
!circleofseasons = Casts Circle of seasons on your group
Clickie Macros:
!clickaon = Clicks your characters Amulet of Necropotence on your groug
!clickwovengrassbp = Clicks your characters Woven Grass Breastplate on your group
!clickkerashaleggings = Clicks your characters Kerasha's Sylvan Leggings on your group.