Access Request
TonikolaHi, long time Kenet user looking at the project quarm program. How does it compare? Same features?(02.02.2025, 19:34)(19:34)0
AbyssNew updates for EQBoT, EverHack for EverQuest Live, and EverStick are now available for download :D(20.01.2025, 15:44)(15:44)0
Abyss@saitek526, @Clouds12 Updates are now out for the latest patch :D(20.01.2025, 15:44)(15:44)0
DarkfistedI found what on needed on discord server thanks Abyss(19.01.2025, 12:20)(12:20)0
DarkfistedCant seem to run my VPN with EQBot is there any work around for this? (19.01.2025, 06:27)(06:27)0
saitek526@abysskeq Any update on new Everstick build?(18.01.2025, 13:42)(13:42)0
Clouds12@abyss need Everstick updated when you can please(18.01.2025, 00:39)(00:39)0
AbyssNew build is out for KenetixQuest - Project 1999, fixes crashing on /who you can download the latest build in your member section here.(27.12.2024, 18:32)(18:32)0
AbyssNew EverHack release for is available for EverQuest Live & TLP servers! You can download the latest build in your member section :D(26.12.2024, 20:06)(20:06)0
AbyssNew KenetixQuest build for Project 1999 Green & Blue is now available for download for patch v60! New self updating features!, 22:38)(22:38)0
Abyss@codypendant Working on it :D(23.12.2024, 21:42)(21:42)0
codypendant@abyss still having issues with KQ showing not online when loaded up(21.12.2024, 17:30)(17:30)0
codypendantnew patch p99 v60(19.12.2024, 12:10)(12:10)0
codypendantEvery single time i type "/who" the game crashes(18.12.2024, 19:10)(19:10)0
codypendantI noticed dsetup was changed(18.12.2024, 17:28)(17:28)0
codypendantIs KenetixQuest updated for v59 files from p99?(18.12.2024, 17:27)(17:27)0
Abyss@louis1010 Warp is only enabled for select servers(18.12.2024, 14:39)(14:39)0
louis1010Does warp work for any of you? Doesn't seem to be available anymore at all.(18.12.2024, 00:48)(00:48)0
AbyssAll products updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! You can download the latest builds in your member section (08.12.2024, 14:48)(14:48)0
Abyss@louis1010 Update just uploaded to the member page (08.12.2024, 14:48)(14:48)0
louis1010Any eta on new build?(05.12.2024, 17:39)(17:39)0
AbysskeqAll products updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! You can download the latest builds in your member section (27.11.2024, 16:20)(16:20)0
Abysskeq@freelo Fixed!(27.11.2024, 16:19)(16:19)0
Abysskeq@curtisbutton I do on the Discord, no mq2melee but I do have a compiled MQ2 for EQMac on there(27.11.2024, 16:19)(16:19)0
curtisbuttonDoes anyone have an EQMac Version of mq2 compile with mqmelee I was looking around no mqmelee please send me an link(16.11.2024, 21:07)(21:07)0
FreeloFor me it stopped injecting, first time was today. Anyone else having issue or is it a me thing?(09.11.2024, 18:51)(18:51)0
Abysskeq@nutsey Fixed!(23.10.2024, 21:59)(21:59)0
AbysskeqNew Updates are now out for: EverHack for EverQuest Live, KenetixQuest for Project 1999 Blue & Green, and EverHack for Project Quarm/TAKP (23.10.2024, 21:58)(21:58)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated for the latest EverQuest patch! Make sure you download the latest build in your member section (23.10.2024, 21:42)(21:42)0
Nutsy21 october notes say kenetixquest for project 1999 was updated 9/22/2024 ... but the kenetix membership access page still has 7/22 patch as the most recent download available..(21.10.2024, 14:19)(14:19)0
AbysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch!(22.09.2024, 16:41)(16:41)0
Abysskeq@nedits EQBoT, and everything except EverHack works on Test Server.(12.09.2024, 22:52)(22:52)0
neditsdo these work on test server as well?(11.09.2024, 20:12)(20:12)0
abysskeq@HB3 Here is a sample video of EQBoT in action EQBoT(31.08.2024, 12:32)(12:32)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest patch! You can download the latest builds in your member section (31.08.2024, 12:26)(12:26)0
abysskeq@HB3 Not atm, EQBoT is more of a Multiboxing assistant with some automation.(31.08.2024, 12:25)(12:25)0
HB3Hey guys. trying to decide if I want to come back to EQ and box on the new TLP server. Is there any pathway to full automation, even just having the tank tab target and pull things in range. Thanks(30.08.2024, 16:05)(16:05)0
abysskeqAccess done ✅ (23.08.2024, 23:12)(23:12)0
CryptoKingany offsets ? heh(22.08.2024, 15:30)(15:30)0
tonyfideRequesting access(21.08.2024, 21:28)(21:28)0
Abyss@Knight82 Access done :)(10.08.2024, 02:07)(02:07)0
Abyss@Tonikola Yes it is :)(10.08.2024, 02:07)(02:07)1
Knight82Howdy, How long after payment does it take to get access? i paid a little bit ago (08.08.2024, 13:51)(13:51)0
Tonikola sorry wrong chat(06.08.2024, 18:20)(18:20)0
TonikolaHey was just wondering if Kenetix speed hack was back up. Thanks!(06.08.2024, 18:19)(18:19)0
abysskeq@Mattp786 Theres two links, one for the maps and the other one "Custom Quarm Maphack" is the one you want.(26.07.2024, 11:48)(11:48)0
Mattp786Is there a problem with the Quarm MySEQ download? The zip download only has a maps folder with *.txt and *.maps files. What am I doing wrong?(25.07.2024, 18:24)(18:24)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest patch, make sure you download the latest builds in your member section (24.07.2024, 18:13)(18:13)0
abysskeq@bobthebuilder223 It sounds like their might be a config setting issue, can you PM me your EQBoT config file so I can take a look.(24.07.2024, 18:12)(18:12)0
bobthebuilder223Don't have a MIC anyways lol(24.07.2024, 03:33)(03:33)0
bobthebuilder223Can try another night. Although I've done the suggested. Did have it working for a few minutes. But after sending enough messages to the bot. It would stop. Making that audible beep on the PC as if something was wrong. And then just shutting down / straight not working after going through deleting the log etc.(24.07.2024, 03:30)(03:30)0
Abyss@bobthebuilder223 Can you pop on discord, and send me a msg? I can walk you through(24.07.2024, 02:29)(02:29)0
bobthebuilder223Hi.  Ran it as ADMIN everytime.  Always comes up with the "do you trust this application message"  But I always click yes.  Also done the same with the log as suggested.  I can get it (24.07.2024, 02:18)(02:18)0
abysskeq@bobthebuilder223 Make sure you run as administrator (right click run as admin), also when doing any changes make sure you turn /log off. Turn it back on to resume after changes(23.07.2024, 22:53)(22:53)0
bobthebuilder223Also when it does receive commands... making the ever quest icon blink on my task bar.  (23.07.2024, 05:43)(05:43)0
bobthebuilder223Well that worked.  For about five minutes.  After sending about twenty commands trying to fix up.  My computer kept beeping at me when the box received tells. The same noise it keeps making when the "Security permission" thing pops up when I launch eqbot.  Then it stops working.  tried the log things again, worked for one command then when back to beeping when receiving tells (23.07.2024, 05:39)(05:39)0
abysskeq@bobthebuilder223 Try this: Type /log off ingame then delete that log file go back to EQ and type /log on should now work as normal(22.07.2024, 20:42)(20:42)0
bobthebuilder223Simply cannot get Eqbot to work.  Correct toon log file.  correct master toon set.  Log is on.  Program started as admin.  Slave will not obey commands?  (22.07.2024, 19:53)(19:53)0
abysskeqKenetixQuest for Project 1999 has also been updated! You can download the latest build in your members section (20.07.2024, 15:51)(15:51)0
abysskeqEverHack & EQBoT has been updated to the latest EverQuest patch! You can download the latest version in your members section (20.07.2024, 15:50)(15:50)0
abysskeq@Konvulse Lots of updates coming for AFKCleric (12.07.2024, 14:20)(14:20)0
Konvulse Will there be an update to include more targets for healing on afk cleric? ie. Pets, extended targets etc. (10.07.2024, 21:58)(21:58)0
AbyssNew updates for EverHack + EverStick are now available for download, lots of bugfixes! You can download the latest build in your member section.(04.07.2024, 15:32)(15:32)0
abysskeqEQBoT Members Section (02.07.2024, 20:16)(20:16)0
aliibabaok i found the small email :D(30.06.2024, 07:04)(07:04)0
aliibabahi,how can i download eqbot :)?(30.06.2024, 06:53)(06:53)0
abysskeqlol yes, I responded to you :)(29.06.2024, 22:16)(22:16)0
Romanr1989Lol duh you said you just created it... I guess the real question is if i ask that question there will anyone even look to see it(29.06.2024, 07:00)(07:00)0
Romanr1989@abysskeq Ok i joined the discord and trubox channel. Has no one just used it yet?(29.06.2024, 06:57)(06:57)0
abysskeq@Romanr1989 Hop on discord, I just made a channel specifically for truebox questions (28.06.2024, 13:02)(13:02)0
Romanr1989Anyone use VMware without getting banned? Does it work?(26.06.2024, 13:02)(13:02)0
abysskeq@Mattp786 If you have EQBoT one of the tabs have a full on autopress function, with commands and timers. EQBoT Autopress Abilities(25.06.2024, 15:23)(15:23)0
Mattp786I need a button presser for skill leveling(24.06.2024, 19:59)(19:59)0
Mattp786Does anyone have a copy of Autofire 0.4?(24.06.2024, 19:58)(19:58)0
abysskeq@jimmcee Nope(20.06.2024, 22:42)(22:42)0
jimmceeable to make it so out of combat doesnt take 30 secs?(20.06.2024, 11:30)(11:30)0
aa8562680wow(20.06.2024, 01:13)(01:13)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch 6/19/2024 - Make sure you update to the latest build in your members section :D(20.06.2024, 01:05)(01:05)0
aa8562680Updating. The game is already available for normal login(19.06.2024, 17:16)(17:16)0
abysskeq@Lumpkinz916 Best thing is the complete lifetime bundle covers everything, including patches, and any new things I release I release: Lifetime Bundle(15.06.2024, 14:27)(14:27)0
abysskeq@Pman359 Working on warp, join the discord for the latest updates (15.06.2024, 14:26)(14:26)0
abysskeq@Cryptoking, 14:25)(14:25)0
Pman359do we have an ETA on warping being added back? its a key feature(13.06.2024, 21:01)(21:01)0
CryptoKingwhats the discord URL?(13.06.2024, 17:20)(17:20)0
Lumpkinz916is there a way to subscribe to all the products monthly so ic an test and see which i want to keep etc? also does everquestbot have the mobs on the map like MQ does?(12.06.2024, 05:42)(05:42)0
abysskeq@mumlover6969 No issues, hop on discord for all infos (10.06.2024, 16:41)(16:41)0
mumlover6969id like to use everhack and eqbot but i dont want to get banned(09.06.2024, 22:38)(22:38)0
mumlover6969everybody having no issues on teek?(09.06.2024, 21:59)(21:59)0
abysskeqAccess done! ✅(07.06.2024, 22:03)(22:03)0
albertrosyo i need access to nodoors on dickiegreenleaf please(06.06.2024, 05:27)(05:27)0
CryptoKingok cool thnx(06.06.2024, 04:15)(04:15)0
abysskeq@CryptoKing Speed works + everything else, warp is still in development(06.06.2024, 04:14)(04:14)0
CryptoKingdoes the speedhack and warping work on teek?(06.06.2024, 03:16)(03:16)0
abysskeq@n2099 You may need to file a bug report on the GitHub as eqdialup does the releases:, 01:53)(01:53)0
n2099Issue with audio triggers (options -> filters) in SEQ, I hit it back up and the settings revert back to "None". I've tried both "Speak" and "Beep" with the same outcome(04.06.2024, 14:29)(14:29)0
abysskeqNew EQBoT Video for Teek & Tormax TLP!(28.05.2024, 16:13)(16:13)0
abysskeqNew AutoHealer Setup Video for Teek & Tormax TLP!(28.05.2024, 16:12)(16:12)0
aa8562680TY(27.05.2024, 22:31)(22:31)0
abysskeq@aa8562680, 21:38)(21:38)0
abysskeq@mumlover6969 Hop in the discord, this is for access request, updates, and quick questions(27.05.2024, 21:30)(21:30)0
aa8562680What is the TLP auction site this year?(27.05.2024, 19:38)(19:38)0
abysskeqYou will see real-time updates in EverHack in the main menu(25.05.2024, 21:01)(21:01)0
abysskeq@pman359 In testing atm, no eta yet(25.05.2024, 21:00)(21:00)0
Pman359why doesnt warping work? when is it expected to be fixed?(25.05.2024, 19:02)(19:02)0
abysskeq@nc2099 You need a custom build MySEQ, I wouldn’t recommend you use a public compile. You can get the custom compile in the member section it’s included with any purchase.(24.05.2024, 21:48)(21:48)0
n2099Is it safe to use MySEQ on Teek? hearing mixed messages about folks being disconnected/banned(24.05.2024, 20:15)(20:15)0
abysskeq@mumlover as for bypassing truebox, I recommend just using a few cheap laptops(24.05.2024, 16:07)(16:07)0
abysskeq@mumlover6969 I think teamviewer should be fine, as that's what I use to log in while at work.(24.05.2024, 16:07)(16:07)0
mumlover6969you think logging into the tlp through teamviewer will catch me a ban? so my friend doesnt have to wait in q after work(24.05.2024, 15:49)(15:49)0
mumlover6969so whats the best way to bypass truebox code? i see the bypass on the site but it still requires more pcs(24.05.2024, 15:49)(15:49)0
abysskeq@gimpy MySEQ Offsets are updated and working: MySEQ - Download Offsets(24.05.2024, 15:31)(15:31)0
abysskeq@gimpy I sent you some PMs(24.05.2024, 15:27)(15:27)0
GimpyFor your work(24.05.2024, 15:26)(15:26)0
abysskeq@mumlove6969 I highly don't recommend the use of VMWare/virtual machines or broadcasting software (ionBC) as DBG looks for those.(24.05.2024, 15:26)(15:26)0
GimpyAnyone got offsets?(24.05.2024, 15:12)(15:12)0
AbyssNew EverHack update for EverQuest Live & TLPs! You can download the latest build in your member section :D(24.05.2024, 15:05)(15:05)0
AbyssStandalone EverStick has been updated to the latest patch, you can download it in your member section :D(24.05.2024, 14:50)(14:50)0
mumlover6969@abysskeq what setting do i have to change in vmware? thank you!(23.05.2024, 22:34)(22:34)0
abysskeq@mumlover6969 Yes, you do need to enable a setting in VMWare, but after that use the generator here:, 16:12)(16:12)0
abysskeq@gimpy Yes it does, do you have EverHack loaded? Stick is in EverHack(23.05.2024, 16:10)(16:10)0
mumlover6969are people just using vms by changing the mac address for truebox servers?(23.05.2024, 01:11)(01:11)0
GimpyDoes EverStick still work?  For some reason either it crashes or doesnt work when I say stickmaster in group(23.05.2024, 00:36)(00:36)0
abysskeq@reliks Nope(22.05.2024, 21:55)(21:55)0
reliksHas the debug flag been removed from the Project Quarm SEQ build?(21.05.2024, 14:24)(14:24)0
abysskeq@reliks Nope not for Project Quarm(21.05.2024, 13:04)(13:04)0
reliksare there plans to add run speed to Project Quarm's build?(20.05.2024, 17:18)(17:18)0
abysskeqTeek & Tormax Bundle sale! $50 off of the complete lifetime package! Promo ends on server launch! The EverBundle Sale!(17.05.2024, 00:23)(00:23)0
Abyss@All Products have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! Make sure you download the latest builds in your member section (16.05.2024, 23:59)(23:59)0
Abyss@Beastdaddy PM Sent(16.05.2024, 23:59)(23:59)0
BeastdaddyHey hey folks. Is there a way to see my past purchases?(16.05.2024, 15:14)(15:14)0
abysskeq@RyEQB VMware(16.05.2024, 11:08)(11:08)0
RyEQBwhat VMs do you guys use for TLP?(15.05.2024, 04:29)(04:29)0
abysskeqYep there’s two, one is the stable one. The other one is labeled experimental (Just some new stuff I’m testing)(11.05.2024, 19:31)(19:31)0
drik2lHey @abysseq What is the latest version for Quarm's EverHack you posted on May 2? I had 2.1.(08.05.2024, 22:11)(22:11)0
abysskeqNew EverHack Build for Project Quarm has been posted! You can purchase EverHack for Project Quarm here:, 23:10)(23:10)0
AbysskeqNew EverHack for EverQuest Live & TLP Servers has been released! You can download the latest build in the members section :D Tons of new features, and best of all new hacks (27.04.2024, 17:13)(17:13)0
abysskeq@Okiwan Features etc are discussed in discord as I don’t publicly post update messages on the site, only in member only sections.(20.04.2024, 19:32)(19:32)0
OkiwanIs the teleport included in Everhack currently tripping the 24hour lock detection implemented in the most recent patch?(20.04.2024, 15:59)(15:59)0
Abysskeq@audacious93c Sent you a PM for that question: Hint v3.44 Multiplicity does not work, you need an updated version(19.04.2024, 22:25)(22:25)0
Abysskeq@isotoper You will need to run 1 EverHack client for each boxed toon, EverHack will show which char its attached too(19.04.2024, 22:24)(22:24)0
AbysskeqAll programs are now updated to the latest EverQuest Patch 04/17/2024!(19.04.2024, 22:23)(22:23)0
abysskeq@drik2l Yes right now it calculates XP left, I’m working on the new update that will display X amount of mobs til level ????(18.04.2024, 14:15)(14:15)0
abysskeq@isotoper EverHack has multiboxing support so you can attach it to whichever box you are running. Running 6 on 1 pc? No problem.(18.04.2024, 14:13)(14:13)0
drik2lHey Abyss, awesome Quarm Kinetix, the zne info/exp, mobs left per kill - s that in the works?(15.04.2024, 21:57)(21:57)0
isotoperWill everhack just send it to all boxes? Or do I need to alt tab between 6 instances of the everhack client?(14.04.2024, 15:47)(15:47)0
Abyss@isotoper Yes you can(14.04.2024, 15:45)(15:45)0
isotoperCan i use everhack on multiple clients in a single computer? to warp a whole group to a target for instance (14.04.2024, 15:45)(15:45)0
Audacious93cHey Abyss - Im getting stuff setup for the 25th. Just a bit early.   But Im running into a problem with Multiplicity.  You wouldnt happen to know what the fix would be if Im experiencing a problem : When I open EQ - the mouse can hover, and highlight the servers, etc.  But clicks dont seem to register?  Any ideas?(14.04.2024, 13:12)(13:12)0
abysskeq@Paolo Yes it does :D(11.04.2024, 13:51)(13:51)0
Paolodoes EQBot and AFKCleric work on Imperium server?(09.04.2024, 00:54)(00:54)0
abysskeq@candlejack Once the new TLP's release I will put out updates for them, as they will be supporting the new TLP servers (09.04.2024, 00:13)(00:13)0
CandlejackAre the versions out now expected to work on the 2024 TLPs (Teek and Tormax) or should we look out for new installers as we near the launch.(08.04.2024, 18:59)(18:59)0
AbyssNew EverHack for EverQuest Live and TLP servers has been released! You can download the new build in your members section :D(22.03.2024, 14:53)(14:53)0
abysskeqAll Programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch - 25th Anniversary!!!(16.03.2024, 15:28)(15:28)0
malaceLooks like we are back to no client in KQ again. They like to keep you busy.(14.03.2024, 04:28)(04:28)0
AbyssKenetixQuest for Project 1999 Blue & Green has been updated, you can download the latest build in your member section (07.03.2024, 12:14)(12:14)0
Abyss@cbbf Thats correct(07.03.2024, 12:07)(12:07)0
cbbfand I correct to assume that Everhack for Quarm does not include run speed?(06.03.2024, 02:36)(02:36)0
AbyssNew EverHack update has been posted for EverQuest Live & TLP!(04.03.2024, 01:04)(01:04)0
AbyssAll programs are up-to-date for the latest EverQuest Patch! 2/24/2024(24.02.2024, 18:55)(18:55)0
AbyssEQBoT has been updated to the latest EverQuest Live Patch!(24.02.2024, 15:30)(15:30)0
AbyssNew Kenetixquest update has been posted for Project 1999 Blue & Green! You can download the latest build in your member section (24.02.2024, 15:26)(15:26)0
abysskeq@Xanthic Download, overwrite files and launch without the patcher(17.02.2024, 00:33)(00:33)0
XanthicHow does NoDoors work?(16.02.2024, 20:33)(20:33)0
AbyssNew updates have been posted for EverQuest Live & TLP, Project Quarm, and Project 1999 Blue & Green!(10.02.2024, 16:44)(16:44)0
abysskeq@Slay666 You need to create a waypoint in EverHack, select it then click on Anti Fear and it should work.(05.02.2024, 12:32)(12:32)0
Slay666been attempting Xygoz in VP who has a fear, and even when i have anti-fear clicked on its still fearing me, any idea what may be causing this issue ?(04.02.2024, 09:19)(09:19)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch, with full DX11 support!(19.01.2024, 21:53)(21:53)0
abysskeq@temowat PM Sent(19.01.2024, 18:44)(18:44)0
temowat@abysskeq Can you shoot me a message please. looking for ffxiv things(18.01.2024, 22:54)(22:54)0
abysskeq@Goober Actual files, don’t use a public MySEQ on Project Quarm or P99. You need a nicely edited build. You can purchase EverHack for Project Quarm here: and it comes bundled with a custom compile for Project Quarm also.(11.01.2024, 09:03)(09:03)0
Goober@abysskeq What do you mean by custom built MySEQ for project quarm? Are you referring to the offsets or the actual files?(11.01.2024, 01:28)(01:28)0
abysskeq@superdrak Done (10.01.2024, 01:28)(01:28)0
Superdrakaccess meee'(08.01.2024, 08:34)(08:34)0
AbyssNew update for EQBoT and EverHack has been posted in the members section (19.12.2023, 16:17)(16:17)0
abysskeqAll updated to the the latest EverQuest Patch 12/05/2023 (You can download the latest builds in your member section)(09.12.2023, 14:51)(14:51)0
abysskeqYup(08.12.2023, 20:12)(20:12)0
ShaolinNew offsets incoming?(07.12.2023, 08:35)(08:35)0
abysskeqMight be a bug on that release, will test it and get that command working.(02.12.2023, 02:50)(02:50)0
wontonzor1024is there anything special to getting stickassisttarget to work?  the other commands seem to work fine except for that one.  my characters are grouped, my master is set as assist, so not sure what else is needed?(26.11.2023, 23:02)(23:02)0
AbyssNew build for Project Quarm is now available for download! You can purchase access here:, 21:41)(21:41)0
abysskeq@Gewblin Yes it does, you should have access :)(20.11.2023, 17:36)(17:36)0
Gewblin@abyss Does the lifetime purchase not include Quarm EverHack?(20.11.2023, 01:40)(01:40)0
GewblinAhhhh Yeahhhhhh!(16.11.2023, 21:54)(21:54)0
Abyss@gewblin Yes, release soon (16.11.2023, 18:25)(18:25)0
AbyssAll programs are now updated to the latest EverQuest Patch 11/15/2023 (16.11.2023, 18:25)(18:25)0
GewblinAny plans on enabling EverHack for Quarm?(15.11.2023, 04:37)(04:37)0
abysskeq@dr4zz It won't show with the current 64bit build of MySEQ. You need the old school 32 bit (and custom) build of MySEQ for that server.(30.10.2023, 17:10)(17:10)0
dr4zzquarm offsets are not working for me.. spawns all show 0(27.10.2023, 19:28)(19:28)0
abysskeq@Nightngale If you a want a program to assist in 3 boxing, that would be EQBoT. If you are interested in teleporting + various hacks it would be EverHack.(27.10.2023, 17:55)(17:55)0
NightngaleJust curious.  If i wanted to use this on Oakwynd to run 3 characters to actually truebox, what would I need to get started?  I have shit playtime so trying to be able to maximize what I have with this tool seems like what I am looking for, but it seems very a la carte(27.10.2023, 11:03)(11:03)0
abysskeqNew EverHack update has been posted to fix spells when warping.(19.10.2023, 05:14)(05:14)0
abysskeqPosted MySEQ Offsets for Project Quarm(19.10.2023, 04:26)(04:26)0
abysskeqAll Programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch 10/19/2023 (19.10.2023, 04:13)(04:13)0
aa8562680How long will it take to update!(19.10.2023, 03:56)(03:56)0
aa8562680EverHack (19.10.2023, 03:56)(03:56)0
ReavesIs there anything that could enable the transfer of no-drop items from one character to another here for project 1999?(18.10.2023, 20:24)(20:24)0
Smyg3lWould it be an idea to release it earlier with fewer features, and update on the go?(16.10.2023, 19:25)(19:25)0
abysskeqVery different, project quarm is 2003 client. I have about 45% working so far, but adding all the many features that KEQ has is taking a bit longer.(15.10.2023, 15:12)(15:12)0
Smyg3lIs it very different from P99?(14.10.2023, 00:17)(00:17)0
Smyg3lSooooo eeehm...When do you think Project Quarm support is up and running?(14.10.2023, 00:17)(00:17)0
GHz.@abysskeq You are a true gentleman and scholar.(30.09.2023, 03:44)(03:44)0
abysskeq@Ghz Yep, working on it (29.09.2023, 15:03)(15:03)0
GHz.@abysskeq Will there be KenetixQuest support for the new Project Quarm server dropping soon?(26.09.2023, 04:13)(04:13)0
abysskeqAll Programs have been updated for the latest EverQuest Patch 09/20/2023!  (21.09.2023, 00:09)(00:09)0
abysskeq@afolsta Theres quite a bit of VMs, and all work (08.09.2023, 17:25)(17:25)0
AfolstaAnyone have a clue which VM works for truebox?(04.09.2023, 19:53)(19:53)0
FalbennCan Confirm working great!(26.08.2023, 19:59)(19:59)0
Falbenn@abysskeq TY TY!!(26.08.2023, 19:52)(19:52)0
abysskeq@Falbenn fixed (26.08.2023, 19:33)(19:33)0
Falbenn@abysskeq everstick keeps giving access error(26.08.2023, 19:25)(19:25)0
abysskeq@falbenn Which downloads?(26.08.2023, 19:22)(19:22)0
FalbennI see updates for 8/24 but all the downloads say prior to that date and none are working correctly?(26.08.2023, 18:21)(18:21)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest patch 08/24/2023!(24.08.2023, 20:39)(20:39)0
abysskeqYes it works on oakwynd, sending you PM now(21.08.2023, 04:11)(04:11)0
shiftercan anyone confirm if afkcleric actually works on oakwynd server? looking to get help from anyone please(20.08.2023, 22:16)(22:16)0
shifterim on day 3 of still trying to get afk cleric to work, cant get it to heal at all. i followed the setup instructions multiple times and still nothing. do i need to enter the afkcleric password in the script or something(20.08.2023, 22:15)(22:15)0
abysskeq@maswift Download the new build (17.08.2023, 16:05)(16:05)0
abysskeqAll Programs have been updated for the latest EverQuest Patch 08/16/2023 (17.08.2023, 03:47)(03:47)0
abysskeqWorking on updates now(16.08.2023, 19:47)(19:47)0
maswiftI'm able to refresh, select from the list, select "attach," but in the "Attached to:" field, it's just blank. The rest is filled in (e.g., AntiCheat Bypass, EQGame Writable, etc.).(16.08.2023, 19:17)(19:17)0
maswiftAnyone unable to attach the everhack client to the EQ process properly after the new patch today?(16.08.2023, 19:16)(19:16)0
Abyss@thegreat Two different things, you can read about EverHack here:, 15:57)(15:57)0
thegreatwhats difference between myseq and everhack?(11.08.2023, 03:08)(03:08)0
abysskeqNew Custom MySEQ v2 Build posted.(09.08.2023, 16:41)(16:41)0
abysskeqNew EverHack build is now available for Download! (07.08.2023, 19:02)(19:02)0
CropAnyone know why I cant get audio triggers to work? It will flash when the mob pops but when I go to options and click "beep" or "speak" it wont save or work. (04.08.2023, 02:06)(02:06)0
abysskeqCustom MySEQ Build v1 is now available for download, you will need lifetime access to download the build.(03.08.2023, 14:17)(14:17)0
abysskeqNew EverHack build is now available for download! Make sure you are running the latest build.(03.08.2023, 14:17)(14:17)0
abysskeqYou can only warp/teleport in the current zone you are in.(31.07.2023, 14:46)(14:46)0
cobiakilleris it possible to teleport to different zones or does everhack only warp in a zone youre already in?(28.07.2023, 02:08)(02:08)0
abysskeq@mitrestre overwrite the files and then you just need to bypass the patcher, don't run the patcher otherwise it will return to original.(24.07.2023, 00:58)(00:58)0
mitrestreNeed help with eqnodoors. it isnt working. I copy the files into the folder and overwrite but doors are still there (22.07.2023, 00:46)(00:46)0
abysskeqGet ready for Kunark release with the Complete Bundle on sale now!, 17:56)(17:56)0
abysskeqAll products have been updated for the latest EverQuest Patch! (20.07.2023, 17:37)(17:37)0
abysskeq@safefall Which zone isn’t working for you? I can check.(19.07.2023, 21:07)(21:07)0
abysskeq@Fabase PM sent!(19.07.2023, 21:06)(21:06)0
FabaseWhere is the AFKCleric download??(19.07.2023, 20:48)(20:48)0
SafefallEqzone def doesnt work for me, idk why(18.07.2023, 05:58)(05:58)0
abysskeqNew Update for EQBoT is now available for download V3.2a! Much improved Macro/Keypress functions.(17.07.2023, 22:01)(22:01)0
abysskeqThere are workarounds, but it truely is best to do 5 micro PCs/monitors and your main and just control all of them automated.(29.06.2023, 14:44)(14:44)0
Googler118Anybody know if the guide for bypassing truebox code is still legit? (29.06.2023, 01:05)(01:05)0
abysskeqAll Programs have been updated for the latest EverQuest Patch 06/21/2023 (21.06.2023, 19:38)(19:38)0
abysskeqNew instant zoning update for EverHack is now available for download (10.06.2023, 15:24)(15:24)0
abysskeqNew EverHack Build is now available for download in your member section (04.06.2023, 16:35)(16:35)0
abysskeq@Valthonis PM Sent(30.05.2023, 23:14)(23:14)0
Valthonisis there a way to see which programs you have gotten in the past?  my brain is fried(30.05.2023, 16:10)(16:10)0
operatorfailureThanks(30.05.2023, 11:14)(11:14)0
abysskeq@operatorfailure PM sent (30.05.2023, 11:10)(11:10)0
abysskeq@MarineTruth Yep! Just like that set the bot where to heal at hit pause break on your keyboard to pause/unpause the bot when you need. Everything else is auto!(27.05.2023, 21:11)(21:11)0
MarineTruthnvm, i figured it out... set my group where i want to heal it at...... (27.05.2023, 17:59)(17:59)0
MarineTruthafk is just spam healing, can I get an assist please(27.05.2023, 17:43)(17:43)0
abysskeq@Roaddawg Join our discord or you can read about features etc on the wiki (27.05.2023, 04:35)(04:35)0
abysskeqAll done ✅ (26.05.2023, 12:10)(12:10)0
2face2ty. i have purchased the eq bot too now, please get me access. ty(26.05.2023, 08:33)(08:33)0
abysskeq@2face2 Access done ✅ (26.05.2023, 06:17)(06:17)0
2face2how can i get my access? (26.05.2023, 05:57)(05:57)0
abysskeqNew EverHack build is now available for download for Oakwynd and all EverQuest Servers (25.05.2023, 18:50)(18:50)0
AbysskeqAccess done ✅(25.05.2023, 01:11)(01:11)0
trentonbbonecan someone give me access? (25.05.2023, 00:28)(00:28)0
abysskeqNew MySEQ Offsets for Oakwynd & All EverQuest servers posted (24.05.2023, 21:12)(21:12)0
abysskeqAll products are now up to date for the latest EverQuest Patch 05/24/2023, you can download the new builds in your member section (24.05.2023, 20:42)(20:42)0
abysskeqGet ready for Oakwynd server with $50 off of the lifetime bundle! With promo code: Oakwynd

(24.05.2023, 16:17)(16:17)0
abysskeqAll products are now updated for the latest patch 5/20/2023 you can download the updates in your member section(21.05.2023, 03:26)(03:26)0
abysskeqAll products are updated for the latest patch 5/18/2023 (18.05.2023, 22:58)(22:58)0
abysskeqHaha, maybe some day (17.05.2023, 09:45)(09:45)0
kendykayeadd a haste hack please :)(16.05.2023, 19:42)(19:42)0
abysskeqNew build for KenetixQuest is now available in your members section (06.05.2023, 16:54)(16:54)0
abysskeqAccess done  Check Pm(04.05.2023, 18:44)(18:44)0
jwinkler315just purchased, how long does it take to grant access?(03.05.2023, 17:33)(17:33)0
abysskeq@OICU812 Its an example on how to bypass it, everyone has a pretty unique way of doing it. Modded VMs/Shadow PCs etc(02.05.2023, 23:09)(23:09)0
OICU812Can someone explain when it still tells you to have one computer per account, how is that a bypass?(02.05.2023, 08:48)(08:48)0
abysskeqAll hacks, and programs are updated for the latest EverQuest Patch!(22.04.2023, 16:54)(16:54)0
abysskeqEverStick has been updated for the latest patch (22.04.2023, 16:44)(16:44)0
saitek526@abysskeq Everstick still not working(22.04.2023, 13:41)(13:41)0
Clouds12@abysskeq can we please have an update for Everstick.(19.04.2023, 23:00)(23:00)0
abysskeqGet ready for the new TLP Oakwynd!!!(06.04.2023, 18:58)(18:58)0
Nutsynm i'm a dork and found it(05.04.2023, 18:18)(18:18)0
abysskeqAll hacks, and programs are updated for the latest EverQuest Patch, 24th anniversary!(18.03.2023, 19:15)(19:15)0
abysskeqUpdated, check the member section for latest build (18.03.2023, 19:14)(19:14)0
Clouds12@abysskeq Everstick not updated?(18.03.2023, 17:02)(17:02)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated for the latest patch 3/17/2023 (18.03.2023, 00:05)(00:05)0
abysskeqNew EverHack build for EverQuest Live is now available for download (01.03.2023, 18:33)(18:33)0
Abysskeq@ecdubz Yep delete the folder on main toon, or turn of logging if you want to keep everything setup on that toon.(24.02.2023, 23:42)(23:42)0
ecdubzany way to officially uninstal outside of folder deletion? Trying to make sure my master DOES NOT have this program on it because it is responding to its own commands(22.02.2023, 02:00)(02:00)0
abysskeqNew update is out for KenetixQuest for Project 1999 Purchase KenetixQuest(17.02.2023, 15:45)(15:45)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated for the latest patch 02/15/2023 (16.02.2023, 17:36)(17:36)0
abysskeq@owch I responded to the PM, make sure in EQBoT you select your slaves log file, and type /log on ingame., 22:21)(22:21)0
Owchdoesn't**(10.02.2023, 15:30)(15:30)0
OwchEQBot - doest recognize my commands or group members as well - thats next(10.02.2023, 15:29)(15:29)0
OwchSent you a PM Abyss and a screen shot - i am having troubles with Afk Cleric spam healing at full health. trying to work all these bugs out to make these programs useable(10.02.2023, 15:29)(15:29)0
abysskeq@jdubz yes it does (06.02.2023, 16:45)(16:45)0
jdubzDoes this work on regular live non-tlp servers? like vox etc?(05.02.2023, 17:58)(17:58)0
abysskeq@foouker Nope, just EverQuest Live servers, P99 Green, Blue & Red.(02.02.2023, 15:32)(15:32)0
fooukerHello, would anything here work on Shards of Dalaya emu server ?(02.02.2023, 03:34)(03:34)0
AbysskeqYes it can (27.01.2023, 11:11)(11:11)0
asdflolmadWaiting to get access.  Can everhack be used for zoning too?(27.01.2023, 02:25)(02:25)0
waywardsoulFIrst time trying, looking forward to it!(26.01.2023, 07:33)(07:33)0
abysskeq@Veifaust Welome aboard  You can visit the Wiki page here for some good info here(25.01.2023, 03:28)(03:28)0
VeilfaustJust signed up for my first month. Very excited to start playing around with it. :)(20.01.2023, 20:49)(20:49)0
abysskeq  All programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! 01/19/2023!(19.01.2023, 10:42)(10:42)0
abysskeqHey shawn, when your logged on the site look at the right side you will see Members Section, just click on which program and it will give you the download link., 22:19)(22:19)0
shawn2362im having trouble getting updates for some reason can someone help?  dont know where to find them,  im not real savy on PCs(29.12.2022, 17:26)(17:26)0
abysskeq@Kramsalot Yep, just click on the checkbox in settings, set your HP and Low HP values and enable(26.12.2022, 20:38)(20:38)0
abysskeq@tman5021 Hey it should, works for me, 20:38)(20:38)0
tman5021anyone got the discord link? the invite link doesn't work... :)(22.12.2022, 23:23)(23:23)0
kramsalotAnybody know how to put the "Enable Cannibalize" checkbox to use on AutoHealer?(19.12.2022, 02:43)(02:43)0
abysskeq All programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! 12/12/2022!(12.12.2022, 18:51)(18:51)0
JkennedyAny ETA on this? been like 6 days (10.12.2022, 01:55)(01:55)0
Kertaronew MySEQ offsets posted(09.12.2022, 00:21)(00:21)0
Jkennedythere is a update to day idk if thatll effect yours(08.12.2022, 17:20)(17:20)0
abysskeqFinishing up updates (08.12.2022, 11:06)(11:06)0
Jkennedy@abyesskeq looks like eq decided to update today and program needs updating again lol(06.12.2022, 22:07)(22:07)0
abysskeqNew update has been posted for EverHack!(03.12.2022, 11:56)(11:56)0
abysskeq@kramsalot PM Sent(01.12.2022, 04:56)(04:56)0
kramsalotJust setting up AutoHealer. I followed the instructions but I must have done something wrong as the healer always detects low health on every character. Any ideas what I may have done wrong?(01.12.2022, 00:02)(00:02)0
abysskeq@Jkennedy Updating it now (30.11.2022, 06:28)(06:28)0
abysskeq@jdarmycav PM Sent (30.11.2022, 06:26)(06:26)0
Kertaroanyone got a update for myseq ofsets?(29.11.2022, 04:12)(04:12)0
jdarmycavI tried incognito and several browsers. (28.11.2022, 23:28)(23:28)0
JkennedyEverhack needs an update cant use EB and i keep having to sign out and back in to use it again (28.11.2022, 01:39)(01:39)0
abysskeq@Razzrr PM Sent(25.11.2022, 07:11)(07:11)0
abysskeqYes it is @Henry(25.11.2022, 07:11)(07:11)0
HenryIs it possible to use everghost without everhack?(24.11.2022, 02:01)(02:01)0
RazzrrWhere can I find the Server ID for my TLP?(23.11.2022, 19:40)(19:40)0
abysskeqYes, its up to date for the latest patch(22.11.2022, 04:11)(04:11)0
jdarmycavThere was a recent patch too... I want to be sure before I drop cash(21.11.2022, 23:09)(23:09)0
jdarmycavHi all. New here. Looking into purchasing p99 one. Does it even have support anymore?(21.11.2022, 23:08)(23:08)0
blacky1121i think i got the wrong one i needed the p99 one :/(21.11.2022, 16:11)(16:11)0
abysskeq@platnium Just tested, its working fine. Did you select the right log file? Make sure you type /log on(15.11.2022, 08:00)(08:00)0
platinumuserhmm eqbot not working in Luclin Yelinak(11.11.2022, 23:15)(23:15)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! 10/29/2022!(29.10.2022, 23:53)(23:53)0
abysskeq@Gunnie PM Sent(05.10.2022, 14:05)(14:05)0
GunnieAbyss, need you to grant me access run Kenetixquest.(04.10.2022, 21:25)(21:25)0
abysskeqNew guide on how to bypass truebox code has been posted!(04.10.2022, 03:25)(03:25)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch! 9/21/2022!(24.09.2022, 06:14)(06:14)0
platinumuserThanks ! =)(24.09.2022, 01:39)(01:39)0
abysskeq@platinumuser EQBoT, and AutoHealer is ready to go with the latest patch, EverHack will done today (23.09.2022, 18:37)(18:37)1
platinumuserHey Abyss is it safe to run eqbot? or need to wait update for current patch?(23.09.2022, 06:21)(06:21)0
abysskeq@Crop nope, you can use on as many PCs as you own. So if you have 50 slaves, you can run it 50x. Its not possible to AFK farm stuff, but it allows you to seamlessly control all 50 toons on the fly. Quick GUI setup. You can have EQBoT running in as little as 1 minute. Check out the video here for more info: EQBoT Video(15.09.2022, 03:26)(03:26)0
CropLooking to buy EQBot, do I need a copy for each toon or just one copy and I can use that to control all my toons? Also is it possible to use this to afk farm stuff? E.g. Have it auto attack a certain mob/s ?(15.09.2022, 02:43)(02:43)0
abysskeq@oogmog Fixed, and uploaded the latest version!(28.08.2022, 15:17)(15:17)0
OogmogLatest EverStick isn't showing up in the download section.  Still shows the previous build as the only download option.(21.08.2022, 23:56)(23:56)0
OlizardHi, can someone support with AFKCleric? Does not work at all for me. Thanks ?(21.08.2022, 18:59)(18:59)0
abysskeqEQBoT 3.0 has been released!(21.08.2022, 00:02)(00:02)0
abysskeqAll Programs have been updated for latest EverQuest Patch (20.08.2022, 05:20)(05:20)0
MucholibreWhen will MySEQ work again?(18.08.2022, 23:41)(23:41)0
SargeloversThat's great to hear! So excited -- any new features or just new stuff for patch?(18.08.2022, 06:32)(06:32)0
abysskeqNew update almost done (18.08.2022, 05:21)(05:21)0
Sargelovers@abyss Any idea on an update? You're doing a fantastic job just always excited for your work(17.08.2022, 20:22)(20:22)0
Calithappreciate your dedication to all this for us abyss. especially since this probably hasnt tingled your creative side for a long time but youre still knocking it out(09.08.2022, 15:07)(15:07)0
abysskeqOk will take a look, and get it fixed (04.08.2022, 16:21)(16:21)0
teh_pwnThe further zoom out camera hack not working on p99 green KQ(02.08.2022, 13:33)(13:33)0
jojo1029Thank you abyss i'll try(28.07.2022, 05:22)(05:22)0
AbyssMake sure you run as admin follow these steps:, 11:22)(11:22)0
jojo1029May i ask how to fix bypass not online and eqgane writeable no ? I got this issues on KenetixQuest v3.7 (27.07.2022, 08:04)(08:04)0
ChromedomeWOOHOO!(24.07.2022, 19:26)(19:26)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to the latest EverQuest Patch (24.07.2022, 19:23)(19:23)0
SargeloversAny idea on the ETA? =)(22.07.2022, 21:52)(21:52)0
abysskeqWorking on the new updates (22.07.2022, 20:13)(20:13)0
JkennedyETA on update?(21.07.2022, 03:14)(03:14)0
abysskeqNew update is now available for EverHack for EverQuest Live (02.07.2022, 17:12)(17:12)0
abysskeqNew Update: KenetixQuest v3.7 for Project 1999 is now available for download!(01.07.2022, 19:44)(19:44)0
abysskeqNew EverHack v3.7 is now available for download, make sure you update to the latest version.(01.07.2022, 19:32)(19:32)0
abysskeqAutoHealer has been updated to v1.1 with better Shaman support, download the latest build in your member section (29.06.2022, 13:32)(13:32)0
abysskeqNew EverHack 1 for EverQuest Live, and KenetixQuest for Project 1999 builds are now available for download (29.06.2022, 13:15)(13:15)0
ValthonisEverstick does not stick close enough to the mob(22.06.2022, 20:40)(20:40)0
fizualzennvm, it was due to scaling not being set at 100(22.06.2022, 20:38)(20:38)0
fizualzenI'v having issues with setting up afk cleric, i'v set it up before but i'v putting in coordinates and colors to obvious things but it won't respond(22.06.2022, 19:18)(19:18)0
fizualzenthanks Abyss(22.06.2022, 19:07)(19:07)0
abysskeq@bleonard209 You get access to everything, including lifetime updates on patches (19.06.2022, 20:30)(20:30)0
bleonard209What does the lifetime membership include?(19.06.2022, 03:43)(03:43)0
abysskeq@fizualzen Hit disable warp on the overlay or on the app(19.06.2022, 02:04)(02:04)0
abysskeqOk let me take a look(19.06.2022, 02:04)(02:04)0
fizualzenhow do i get unstuck from teleporting(18.06.2022, 21:36)(21:36)0
SargeloversAbyss, i think the no stun is crashing me(18.06.2022, 17:18)(17:18)0
Guest@wryates access done (18.06.2022, 05:48)(05:48)0
wryatesCan I get access when you get time please?(17.06.2022, 22:05)(22:05)0
tjaeverquestbotThank you will give it a whirl!(17.06.2022, 17:03)(17:03)0
abysskeq@tjaeverquestbot Yep, download the latest build just posted. It fixes the issue (Build 6-17-2022, just uploaded)(17.06.2022, 17:03)(17:03)1
tjaeverquestbot@abysskeq anything special I need to do to fix these crashes when zoning(17.06.2022, 17:02)(17:02)0
abysskeqAll Products have been updated for the latest EverQuest Patch! 6/17/2022(17.06.2022, 17:01)(17:01)1
abysskeq@haruspex New MySEQ offsets posted in forums(17.06.2022, 16:25)(16:25)0
abysskeqWorking on new updates for the latest EQ Patch(17.06.2022, 16:16)(16:16)1
tjaeverquestbotIs anyone else having luck with EH1? Running as admin, not running as admin, still crashing when zoning(17.06.2022, 13:04)(13:04)0
HaruspexCorrect ShowEQ needs new offsets since patch yesterday.(16.06.2022, 09:46)(09:46)0
jefe4life18Everhack drops eq everytime I try and warp again.(16.06.2022, 04:04)(04:04)0
GlorfIs ShowEQ not wokring with the new patch?(16.06.2022, 03:03)(03:03)0
bleonard209how do i request access to everhack?(15.06.2022, 21:47)(21:47)0
Mattp786Says Access is Denied(14.06.2022, 21:04)(21:04)0
Mattp786@Abysskeq getting cannot create Server.exe on ur showeq build.(14.06.2022, 21:01)(21:01)0
Mattp786Thanks @Abysskeq(14.06.2022, 20:59)(20:59)0
abysskeqNew EverHack build has been posted, with some nice warping upgrades! You can download in your members section (13.06.2022, 22:03)(22:03)0
abysskeq@dhew The discord is:, 22:03)(22:03)0
Dhewalso, anyone ever get past the VMware blocks that EQ has now? Id like to multibox on one laptop on agnarr server(13.06.2022, 19:08)(19:08)0
Dhewwhats the discord chat sever agaion?(13.06.2022, 19:08)(19:08)0
Dhewsup.(13.06.2022, 19:07)(19:07)0
abysskeq@mattp786 its best to use multiple PCs/laptops and use something like stardock multiplicity so you only need 1 keyboard/mouse.(12.06.2022, 20:48)(20:48)0
Mattp786How do I get past the VMware checks? I tried changing the manufacturer name to HP instead of VMware(11.06.2022, 23:50)(23:50)0
eqtooneqReally shouldnt warp around where like 5 different people see you in WoS just sayin(10.06.2022, 15:03)(15:03)0
abysskeqNew EverHack 1 build is now available for download, you can download the latest build in your member section (05.06.2022, 17:29)(17:29)0
abysskeq@tzardom !follow master is the command :D, 15:15)(15:15)0
tjaeverquestbotThank you @abysskeq sorry to pester(05.06.2022, 15:14)(15:14)0
abysskeq@tjaeverquestbot Aye working on the update.(05.06.2022, 15:13)(15:13)0
abysskeq@jservice20 Yes, EQBoT can be used remotely from anywhere in the world :D(05.06.2022, 15:13)(15:13)0
tjaeverquestbotAny update on client crashing when zoning with Everhack 1?(05.06.2022, 13:43)(13:43)0
AlfarianNM i worked it out...dont just use Follow as a command. Fucks shit up(05.06.2022, 09:39)(09:39)0
AlfarianWhy does my EQbot slave keep spamming follow? it does for a while and then randomly it goes back to normal(05.06.2022, 09:31)(09:31)0
tzardomhow do you make the slave bot follow ? i have my logs on and my master says the command but the bot does nothing(04.06.2022, 15:20)(15:20)0
ValthonisI bought AFcleric way back when, then you came out with the EQbot lol, I never did end up using afcleric(02.06.2022, 14:35)(14:35)0
jservice20can eqbot be ran remotely? ie 3-4 pcs at once location and the main somewhere else?(01.06.2022, 18:15)(18:15)0
tjaeverquestbot@abysskeq did you find anything out about crashing while zoning using everhack 1?(01.06.2022, 10:53)(10:53)0
abysskeqMake sure your running the latest build, and with all bots/cheats just be aware of your surrounds with other players. You should be fine (30.05.2022, 10:24)(10:24)0
Valthonisso I have everstick and AFKcleric, but been ages since I used it.  THINKING about EQbot.  Has anyone been banned for using it ?(29.05.2022, 13:38)(13:38)0
abysskeqAll programs have been updated to work on Yelinak & Vaniki servers!(26.05.2022, 02:41)(02:41)0
abysskeqNope (25.05.2022, 21:10)(21:10)0
eqtooneqSo anything that can make you always roll high? /random 1000 always 800+?(25.05.2022, 19:06)(19:06)0
abysskeq@Athous You can still teleport, and you can use the AA origin at lvl 5 too(25.05.2022, 01:39)(01:39)0
abysskeq@tjaeverquestbot You can use either one, some like EH1, some like EH2 (25.05.2022, 01:39)(01:39)0
abysskeq@karacus, 01:38)(01:38)0
Karacuscan someone please post the discrod link here? Cant seem to find a valid invite.(24.05.2022, 20:23)(20:23)0
tjaeverquestbotAre we supposed to use Everhack2 or Everhack1 ?(24.05.2022, 19:23)(19:23)0
AthousHow would you go about teleporting on something like a monk at start of server if you don't have any spells/clickied?(24.05.2022, 16:10)(16:10)0
abysskeqEverStick, and Ghost has been updated to the latest EQ patch (22.05.2022, 19:21)(19:21)0
abysskeqEverHack 2 has been updated to the latest patch!(22.05.2022, 19:03)(19:03)0
abysskeqEverHack 1 is now updated to the latest patch, you can download the latest build in your member section (22.05.2022, 18:48)(18:48)1
jefe4life18Everhack still isnt working for me. running as admin like usual but no response. Shows im connected and everything correctly.(21.05.2022, 01:57)(01:57)1
abysskeqUpdating everything now (20.05.2022, 19:23)(19:23)0
SofabuttWhere are the new offsets?(19.05.2022, 21:24)(21:24)0
abysskeqNew EverHack release is now available for download!(17.05.2022, 03:33)(03:33)0
abysskeq@Dankos AutoHealer has a GUI for easy setup(13.05.2022, 09:53)(09:53)0
abysskeq@Dankos Its autonomous, it will auto heal your party. Any healing class can use it, cleric/shaman/druid(13.05.2022, 09:52)(09:52)0
DankosHow does Autodealer differ from Cleric(10.05.2022, 15:35)(15:35)0
DankosAnd another question - will it work on the new server VARSOON?(10.05.2022, 15:33)(15:33)0
DankosWill AFK Cleric work in the second MINIMIZED tray window? Is this bot autonomous or does it need something else to work?(10.05.2022, 15:31)(15:31)0
abysskeq@Enzo yes it does (04.05.2022, 11:09)(11:09)0
EnzoDoes the EQNoDoors work on any eqemu?(01.05.2022, 02:30)(02:30)0
abysskeq@purplegrasshopper yes it will(30.04.2022, 21:49)(21:49)0
purplegrasshopperWil AFK Cleric heal Enchanter charm pets?(30.04.2022, 00:59)(00:59)1
abysskeqAll programs updated to the latest EverQuest Patch 4/25/2022(27.04.2022, 06:21)(06:21)0
abysskeqYep all updated (27.04.2022, 05:52)(05:52)0
Okert2675we updated for the 4.25 patch?(26.04.2022, 16:23)(16:23)0
purplegrasshopperHello. I'm not very tech saavy, so excuse the questions. How can I use this to box and get around the truebox code? Do I need to set up a VPN? Would I be able to play multiple accounts from a single computer? Lastly, how is this different from what MQ2 does? Thank you!(24.04.2022, 18:16)(18:16)0
abysskeq@jizzy Done (23.04.2022, 19:35)(19:35)0
Jizzy@abysskeq can you check your PMs please.(23.04.2022, 00:43)(00:43)0
abysskeqEverHack 1 is has been updated for the latest patch 4-20-22(22.04.2022, 20:07)(20:07)0
abysskeq(22.04.2022, 20:06)(20:06)0
Gewblin@abysskeq Thanks! You're the best!(22.04.2022, 19:17)(19:17)0
abysskeqEverHack 2 has been updated for the latest patch (22.04.2022, 19:11)(19:11)0
abysskeqYup finishing the updates now(22.04.2022, 17:41)(17:41)0
GewblinGood Morning, and happy Friday! @abysskeq are there certain parts of EverHack that broke with the most recent 4/20/22 patch?(22.04.2022, 15:30)(15:30)0
abysskeq@thegreat yes it is, also make sure you don't warp/speed around other players or be too obvious. Don't tell anyone you are using EverHack, or any other programs only your close friends/guildies. Gotta be super quiet these days, alot of people are petition heavy when you box on truebox servers.(19.04.2022, 15:39)(15:39)0
thegreathad my 2nd account suspended today using everhack 1.......ive used this program for years no issues. Is using everhack2 safer? (18.04.2022, 22:55)(22:55)0
abysskeq@Jizzy Yes with the create macro tab (17.04.2022, 17:47)(17:47)0
abysskeq@Jizzy Can use on as many PCs as you like with 1 sub (17.04.2022, 17:46)(17:46)0
JizzyAnd can I set up to Auto recharge pets?(16.04.2022, 19:29)(19:29)0
JizzyCan I run eqbot on multiple computers with just 1 sub?(16.04.2022, 19:26)(19:26)0
JizzyHey, I'm planning on going 6x true box on the new TLP. I have a few questions.(16.04.2022, 19:26)(19:26)0
abysskeqHey you can do that, or just hold alt then hit enter(14.04.2022, 23:52)(23:52)0
GewblinNever Mind good sir, I figured it out :) WinEQ2 was a solution to thi(14.04.2022, 17:16)(17:16)0
GewblinPlease and thank you <3(14.04.2022, 17:01)(17:01)0
Gewblin@abysskeq I have questions that I'd like to have addressed, I've purchased all of the services you have to offer, however, when I attempt to run anything within P99 as soon as either EQ Bot launches, or if I try to launch SEQ, once I open up any other third party program, once I try to go back to P99 the screen just freezes. If I try to start up Kinetixquest, my P99 window freezes, if I try to start up the 99 SEQ, my game freezes, what's going on?(14.04.2022, 04:41)(04:41)0
uaeb.(11.04.2022, 04:21)(04:21)0
BennyTwoThumbsTY for the update(10.04.2022, 13:55)(13:55)0
EnzoHey abyss, sent you a DM about it. Thanks in advance!(10.04.2022, 13:48)(13:48)0
abysskeqNew EQBoT v2.9f is now available for download!, 10:51)(10:51)0
abysskeqYep, I got your PM what EMU server?(06.04.2022, 10:37)(10:37)0
EnzoAnyone know about myseq and EMU servers?(06.04.2022, 01:21)(01:21)0
abysskeqNew EverHack 2 Update is now available for download, 00:15)(00:15)0
abysskeq@Gewblin Nope, works great on win11 (05.04.2022, 00:03)(00:03)0
Gewblin@abysskeq(04.04.2022, 17:06)(17:06)0
GewblinAny issues w/ this program on Windows 11?(03.04.2022, 21:04)(21:04)0
AbysskeqYup, 12:46)(12:46)0
studaceIs there a version of Everhack that works with private EQ servers based upon P1999?(31.03.2022, 00:59)(00:59)0
abysskeq@teraskasi sure can, and done (29.03.2022, 10:54)(10:54)0
teraskasiif you get a chance abysskeq could you activate my EQBoT(28.03.2022, 11:43)(11:43)0
RoomI also start having ssl/tls error in Everhack1 but only on PCs with windows 8 or windows 7. Win10 work fine. Also Hack2 work on any PCs with no errors. (25.03.2022, 03:46)(03:46)0
abysskeqNew EverStick update has been posted in the member section (22.03.2022, 18:16)(18:16)0
abysskeqTry downloading the new EverHack 2, you can now attach to any EQ instance for multiple chars. Give it a shot, also hop on discord if you can and msg me if you can (22.03.2022, 18:06)(18:06)0
DasmanNo vpn and nothing changed on my side. I noticed before this that the new version would not attach to EQ unless restarted few times. Also another guy on the discord says he gets the same error message after a few minutes of game play(22.03.2022, 00:46)(00:46)0
abysskeqRunning a VPN? Sounds like you might need to just grant KenetixQuest access(20.03.2022, 20:36)(20:36)0
DasmanHello, anyone else getting an error message when trying to start KenetixQuest? it says ""the request was aborted could not create ssl/tls secure channel".(20.03.2022, 00:47)(00:47)0
abysskeqNew EverHack 2 update! You can now attach EverHack 2 to any running EQ process that you have up on the same pc (19.03.2022, 10:52)(10:52)0
abysskeq@Gewblin You get access to both, but the difference is EH2 is faster, and rebuilt with the ground up with new UI, and code is much more polished. If you still like EH1, I keep that updated too.(18.03.2022, 20:36)(20:36)0
GewblinWhat is the difference between EverHack 1 and EverHack 2?(17.03.2022, 20:21)(20:21)0
abysskeqLet me take look on that error, see what’s causing it(16.03.2022, 17:40)(17:40)0
Oogmog@abysskeq Getting invalid float on EverStick (like cmarsh6699 was getting)(16.03.2022, 01:37)(01:37)0
Avalon90So you don't need to use a VM? I've tried multiple VM's and eq won't load past the patcher on any of them.(13.03.2022, 22:15)(22:15)0
Neonknight@Avalon90 Yes it does(13.03.2022, 17:39)(17:39)0
Avalon90Quick question, does this have a way to beat truebox or no? I didn't see it listed anywhere so I wasn't sure.(12.03.2022, 12:06)(12:06)0
abysskeq@cmarsh6699 Sent you a PM(11.03.2022, 13:44)(13:44)0
abysskeq@arctic Nope it doesn’t(11.03.2022, 13:43)(13:43)0
arcticHi all! Does kenetixquest enable dropping no drop items on p99?(11.03.2022, 09:54)(09:54)0
cmarsh6699however stck is working on eqbot, but stop sticking isnt. that would be a good akternative(10.03.2022, 22:50)(22:50)0

still getting errors

z is givubg error Error:"??" is an invalid float

x was giving an error also

(10.03.2022, 22:49)(22:49)0
abysskeqAll Products have been updated for the latest EverQuest Patch (10.03.2022, 07:35)(07:35)0
abysskeqYep, new patch out working on updates now(10.03.2022, 05:36)(05:36)0
cmarsh6699ghaving a problem getting with everstick Error:"??" is an invalid float(10.03.2022, 00:37)(00:37)0
Purpledrinksty!(06.03.2022, 19:52)(19:52)0
abysskeq@Purpledrinks You should have access now (06.03.2022, 19:42)(19:42)0
mizlarpurchased tlp everhack need access to that please(06.02.2025, 17:36)(17:36)0
Removed12i need access to everhack for project quarm please(09.01.2025, 18:12)(18:12)0
abysskeq@Bashinbro I sent you a PM :D(22.09.2024, 17:02)(17:02)0
bashinbroI purchased a lifetime license back in 2019 when I played on Mangler. Can I get activated please? I need a launcher login apparently. Is this new since 2019?(05.09.2024, 12:13)(12:13)0
Radical711Just payed could i get acees plz(23.08.2024, 15:04)(15:04)0
tonyfideNeed access to EverHack - Project Quarm Edition please(18.08.2024, 20:39)(20:39)0
Knight82Just bought lifetime access(08.08.2024, 13:51)(13:51)0
abysskeq@Martian25 access incoming!(23.07.2024, 22:56)(22:56)1
Martian25Just bought all access bundle need access for all programs please(23.07.2024, 22:55)(22:55)0
Lumpkinz916just purchased eqbot need access please(27.06.2024, 19:31)(19:31)0
PersonWhoEatsFoodSometimesHi, just purchased. Need access please. (21.06.2024, 19:08)(19:08)0
lordzeadyGood morning, looking for access please. EQbot(18.06.2024, 14:12)(14:12)0
mumlover6969need eqbot access please(14.06.2024, 03:26)(03:26)0
thunder2uNeed access got lifetime access to eqbot(13.06.2024, 00:58)(00:58)0
hericafk cleric need access(09.06.2024, 05:47)(05:47)0
albertrosaccess to n(07.06.2024, 02:40)(02:40)0
treyekhJust purchased, hoping to get access!(06.06.2024, 01:36)(01:36)0
JmonkJust purchased eqbot and afk cleric and need access when you get a chance please(28.05.2024, 03:45)(03:45)0
AiiaAlso requesting access, just purchased AFK Cleric(25.05.2024, 09:12)(09:12)0
dickiegreenleafaccess plss(25.05.2024, 06:56)(06:56)0
severd8Purchased AFKCleric, need access if you can grant it. Thank you!(23.05.2024, 18:22)(18:22)0
ninaPurchased the bundle, need access please (22.05.2024, 13:06)(13:06)0
EQMobilePurchased the bundle, need access pls(21.05.2024, 00:11)(00:11)0
jhirt1950purchased teek bundle need access thx(20.05.2024, 01:50)(01:50)0
bokus18Need access to Everhack and Everstck(04.05.2024, 21:52)(21:52)0
Candlejackforgot my launcher info from years ago, just trying to re-register or get my old information back(08.04.2024, 19:59)(19:59)0
Styling0160purchased, requesting access. thank you!(25.03.2024, 06:16)(06:16)0
cbbfaccess plz - many thanks!(06.03.2024, 00:51)(00:51)0
abysskeqAll done (11.02.2024, 15:43)(15:43)0
Superdrak(08.01.2024, 08:50)(08:50)0
Superdrakaccess plz(08.01.2024, 08:35)(08:35)0
scumbagsPurchase Everstick - requesting access(17.12.2023, 22:01)(22:01)0
DrKPurchased, requesting access. =)(06.12.2023, 22:21)(22:21)0
jostillerPurchased, requesting access. (19.11.2023, 01:34)(01:34)0
atalutalifetime purchased, requesting access.(15.11.2023, 14:24)(14:24)0
wolfogrePurchased. Requesting Access.(19.10.2023, 17:03)(17:03)0
TheMadHatterRequesting access for Kenetix. (12.09.2023, 17:47)(17:47)0
abysskeqAccess done ✅ (09.09.2023, 12:43)(12:43)0
m3ch4nismneed access to afk cleric(20.08.2023, 18:08)(18:08)0
Jonathan7717Purchased, requesting access to KenetixQuest, please. (14.08.2023, 02:36)(02:36)0
Jonathan7717Need Access to KenetixQuest(14.08.2023, 02:35)(02:35)0
thedailygamerhq@gmail.comPurchased lifetime a few TLPs ago and lost access, re-requesting access.(25.07.2023, 20:25)(20:25)0
MreochPurchased, requesting access please. (23.07.2023, 16:38)(16:38)0
abysskeqAccess done (13.07.2023, 17:19)(17:19)0
elltrainPurchased, requesting access.(04.07.2023, 07:36)(07:36)0
abysskeqAccess done (27.06.2023, 00:41)(00:41)0
LeEqBot127Purchased EQBoT, need access please(25.06.2023, 02:30)(02:30)0
abysskeqAccess done (21.06.2023, 19:40)(19:40)0
TheDonkeyPurchased eqbot need access. TY(19.06.2023, 22:32)(22:32)0
VLADEREjust purchased afk cleric need acesss(18.06.2023, 05:40)(05:40)0
tmac84purchased eqzone need access(08.06.2023, 05:38)(05:38)0
abysskeqAccess done (31.05.2023, 11:42)(11:42)0
VLADEREpurchased eqbot need acess(31.05.2023, 04:33)(04:33)0
jellymanpurchased everstick requesting access(31.05.2023, 04:06)(04:06)0
jellymanpurchased eqbot, need access(31.05.2023, 03:44)(03:44)0
tmac84Purchased everhack, need access(29.05.2023, 21:02)(21:02)0
Toad580Purchased afkcleric awaiting acces(27.05.2023, 17:43)(17:43)0
2face2purchased eqbot too now please unlock ty(26.05.2023, 09:14)(09:14)0
2face2purchased everstick how can i get it? discord invitation in the txt file expired(26.05.2023, 05:58)(05:58)0
FinalsayPurchased lifetime bundle and need access(25.05.2023, 15:16)(15:16)0
pokeybillJust purchased lifetime access (eqbot)(25.05.2023, 02:19)(02:19)0
s0rcier@abysskeq requesting access for EverStick(22.05.2023, 08:05)(08:05)0
Slay666just got lifetime need access please(17.05.2023, 03:13)(03:13)0
kendykayejust purchased need access please (11.05.2023, 20:05)(20:05)0
jwinkler315purchased afkcleric, awaiting access(03.05.2023, 17:33)(17:33)0
Candlejackpurchased the full lifetime bundle and looking for accecss.(16.04.2023, 05:23)(05:23)0
dawalke4@abysskeq Requesting access for Kenetix authentication.(02.04.2023, 13:03)(13:03)0
krazykI purchased everstick still need access. I also bought a afkcleric license a long time ago does that entitle me to autohealer?(31.03.2023, 18:23)(18:23)0
abysskeq@JVL41192 Hey I sent you a PM, please check it(31.03.2023, 15:57)(15:57)0
JVL41192still don't have access to the everhack lifetime section i purchase.(31.03.2023, 15:52)(15:52)0
abysskeqAccess done (31.03.2023, 14:40)(14:40)0
JVL41192need access pls(30.03.2023, 23:03)(23:03)0
rosieNeed access(24.03.2023, 17:36)(17:36)0
abysskeqDone ✅ (20.03.2023, 17:15)(17:15)0
rcarson0526@gmail.comneed access plz(20.03.2023, 16:23)(16:23)0
abysskeqAccerss done and updated(16.03.2023, 19:39)(19:39)0
scrubbydubAccess request, thank you!(16.02.2023, 07:53)(07:53)0
NutsyRequesting access  :)  Thank you!(07.02.2023, 06:54)(06:54)0
aanlranNeed access.(01.02.2023, 00:42)(00:42)0
waywardsoulLooking for access(26.01.2023, 07:36)(07:36)0
jdarmycavsql*(30.11.2022, 19:48)(19:48)0
jdarmycavgetting sqp errors when trying to log into program. :( need help of you can! (30.11.2022, 19:48)(19:48)0
jdarmycavI purchased KinetixQuest for p99. Requesting access(30.11.2022, 05:46)(05:46)0
IksarbroodTrying to purchase. Will need assistance. I'm on Discord. Kinetix. (29.11.2022, 03:26)(03:26)0
teraskasiNeed access to everghost please.(28.11.2022, 18:59)(18:59)0
mrsatanGK ghost killer  need to bring that back also get it working for   P1999 :)(19.10.2022, 06:03)(06:03)0
abysskeqAccess done (13.09.2022, 09:49)(09:49)0
ClateRequesting access please, EQBot and AFK Cleric(25.08.2022, 01:13)(01:13)0
Robomanpurchased, requesting access(13.08.2022, 20:13)(20:13)0
atcawswPurchased, requesting access.(02.07.2022, 14:13)(14:13)0
druggodPurchased, requesting access to EQBoT.(01.07.2022, 00:37)(00:37)0
abysskeqAccess done  ✅ (29.06.2022, 18:37)(18:37)0
noninteractiveReq access to EQNoDoors please(27.06.2022, 02:36)(02:36)0
xantandiscord? do I have access?(20.06.2022, 23:48)(23:48)0
wryatesJust got, cant wait, request access please =)(17.06.2022, 22:05)(22:05)0
robforemanpurchased, request access(16.06.2022, 17:27)(17:27)0
ndmx1000Requesting EverGhost(02.06.2022, 22:36)(22:36)0
asdflolmadBought EH, need access(02.06.2022, 18:18)(18:18)0
bleonard209Bought Lifetime, need access, does it include everhack?(28.05.2022, 19:25)(19:25)0
Rudis101Could you activate me when you're free, please and thanks!(25.05.2022, 02:03)(02:03)0
gannocNeed access to everhack, thanks.(24.05.2022, 00:59)(00:59)0
vokhineSeeking access to eqesp just purchased thank you.(21.05.2022, 20:21)(20:21)0
jefe4life18Request access to everything except everhack, EQZone.(15.05.2022, 00:29)(00:29)0
abysskeqAccess done (14.05.2022, 09:10)(09:10)0
xvirus2501request access to EQBoT please.(01.05.2022, 08:07)(08:07)0
xvirus2501request access to kenetix please.(01.05.2022, 08:07)(08:07)0
Stealthwirerequest kenetix(09.04.2022, 07:12)(07:12)0
samuraijackRequest access to AFKcleric please.(06.04.2022, 20:54)(20:54)0
studacePlease activate my KenetixQuest.  Thanks.(31.03.2022, 05:41)(05:41)0
teraskasicould you activate my EQBoT(28.03.2022, 12:30)(12:30)0
abysskeqAccess done (24.03.2022, 08:24)(08:24)0
Ensaneneed access to AFKcleric please(20.03.2022, 15:00)(15:00)0
abysskeqAccess done (20.02.2022, 11:35)(11:35)0
the_mulePurchased AFKCleric.  May I have access please?  Thank you!(18.02.2022, 22:55)(22:55)0
Anon88Need access on No Doors please(17.02.2022, 18:18)(18:18)0
abysskeqAccess Done (12.02.2022, 20:08)(20:08)0
hairyon85need access on AFKcleric please(07.01.2022, 08:31)(08:31)0
desmondtwhI purchased AFKCleric. May I have access please?(06.01.2022, 22:33)(22:33)0
WaskaieNeed Access for EQNODOORS please(26.12.2021, 05:56)(05:56)0
CrondarAccess please(07.12.2021, 16:19)(16:19)0
muddflapI purchased AFKCleric. May I have access please?(17.11.2021, 02:34)(02:34)0
abysskeqAccess done (16.11.2021, 06:35)(06:35)0
gps1701Bought Everstick need access. Thank you(11.10.2021, 04:43)(04:43)0
DektPurchased AFKcleric, need access please(10.10.2021, 02:21)(02:21)0
r06ue1Need access for EQESP and EverGhost(05.10.2021, 16:23)(16:23)0
patrick78need access(01.10.2021, 19:41)(19:41)0
grithmalaccess for all please(30.09.2021, 21:49)(21:49)0
Gunda69access please(27.09.2021, 19:45)(19:45)0
abbazabbarooAccess Please :X(26.09.2021, 19:55)(19:55)0
Smitherzacess please(23.09.2021, 06:34)(06:34)0
GreyReq access(07.09.2021, 22:43)(22:43)0
abysskeqAccess Done (01.09.2021, 19:20)(19:20)1
Safefallaccess please, thx in advance(01.09.2021, 17:07)(17:07)0
djbighead10access please(21.08.2021, 14:49)(14:49)0
delibearAccess please(21.08.2021, 00:00)(00:00)0
abysskeqAccess done (13.08.2021, 07:43)(07:43)0
MJS68135Access please(11.08.2021, 23:15)(23:15)0
abysskeq@jhpipkin8889 Access done (05.08.2021, 19:31)(19:31)0
jhpipkin8889requesting access(05.08.2021, 16:08)(16:08)0
abysskeqaccess done (08.06.2021, 15:54)(15:54)0
Chromedomepurchased lifetime and its telling me incorrect name or password(06.06.2021, 06:47)(06:47)0
zypherrevpurchased the lifetime and eqbot login does not work yet(01.06.2021, 23:53)(23:53)0
abysskeqAccess Done (30.05.2021, 08:23)(08:23)0
bsquared169Also purchase EverHack. Please grant access. Thanks(26.05.2021, 16:09)(16:09)0
bsquared169Hi, I just paid for EQESP. May I have access. Thanks(26.05.2021, 05:19)(05:19)0
abysskeqAccess done (20.05.2021, 09:52)(09:52)0
evolution9211Purchased everhack, need access(19.05.2021, 16:20)(16:20)0
FizzeepopJust checking on access.  Purchased this morning(16.05.2021, 16:59)(16:59)0
abysskeq@Dekt You should have access :D(07.05.2021, 09:21)(09:21)0
DektStill need access, purchased lifetime a long time ago and no longer have access.(02.05.2021, 18:21)(18:21)0
Audacious93cSorry - missed this tab(29.04.2021, 22:14)(22:14)0
abysskeqAccess done :)(27.04.2021, 05:21)(05:21)0
hexonic@gmail.comneed access to eqbot(27.04.2021, 04:42)(04:42)0
abysskeq@Deonox PM sent (28.03.2021, 02:26)(02:26)0
DeonoxRequesting Access to EQbot paid(27.03.2021, 17:18)(17:18)0
tapsumbongrequesting access for KenextixQuest (paid)(11.03.2021, 21:09)(21:09)0
MoleLifetime Purchased, need access(08.02.2021, 14:54)(14:54)0
TSPlayer62Need Access to AutoHealer please(08.02.2021, 08:32)(08:32)0
csguy0Need Access Please!(20.01.2021, 21:08)(21:08)0
bluecactusNeed access please(23.12.2020, 02:52)(02:52)0
abysskeqAccess Done (12.11.2020, 17:44)(17:44)0
mitch112hello, access please(10.11.2020, 15:36)(15:36)0
teraskasiaccess for eqzone(15.10.2020, 00:50)(00:50)0
kenetixquestguess asked in wrong place i need access tokenetixquest(13.10.2020, 20:22)(20:22)0
skomaccess for everstick please. Already filled out request form.(08.10.2020, 19:13)(19:13)0
AbysskeqAccess done (02.10.2020, 19:48)(19:48)0
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  • Register Date: 20 Aug 2019
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